Palatehub’s BRACE Journey: Benchmarking Climate-Smart Practices

In July 2023, the Palatehub Team made a strategic decision to enroll in the “Building Resilience Against Climate and Environmental Shocks” (BRACE) programme offered by the African Food Changemakers. This decision was driven by a desire to benchmark the company’s climate-smart activities and assess its preparedness in the face of evolving environmental challenges.

With Palatehub’s goal of applying information technology to crop and livestock production, specializing in post-harvest storage and light manufacturing, it is crucial to always reflect on the efficiency and effectiveness of the company’s practices and their long-term sustainability.

The BRACE Programme: Objectives and Structure

The BRACE programme, launched by the African Food Changemakers, is a comprehensive three-month capacity development initiative. Its primary objective is to equip agriSMEs with the knowledge and tools to build resilience against climate and environmental shocks. The program encompasses a hybrid learning experience, combining training, peer-learning, and practical applications. Its content focuses on critical areas such as climate change awareness, adaptation and mitigation strategies, climate financing opportunities, and sustainable solutions for scaling agribusinesses.

Learning Outcomes from the BRACE Programme

Palatehub’s participation in the BRACE programme, represented by its Co-Founder and Chief Technical Officer, Opeyemi Alaran, yielded valuable insights. The learning outcomes were applied to the company’s Ginger Farming Division and looked into the existing sources of greenhouse gas emissions in ginger farming, emphasizing the need for sustainable practices. The programme helped produce a comprehensive action plan for climate-smart agricultural practices within the company, covering aspects from soil and water management to eco-friendly packaging. The company is fully committed to reducing food loss in ginger farming through innovative strategies showcased in the BRACE Programme.

A Wonderful Journey with BRACE: A Thank You

With the conclusion of the BRACE programme 2023, Palatehub expresses gratitude to the African Food Changemakers for organizing such a transformative initiative. The programme has not only allowed Palatehub to benchmark its climate-smart activities but also provided actionable insights and strategies for enhancing sustainability. The structured learning, community engagement, and emphasis on practical applications have been instrumental in shaping Palatehub’s approach to climate-resilient agriculture.

The BRACE programme stands as a testament to the power of collaborative efforts in fostering sustainability within the agricultural sector. Palatehub looks forward to implementing the knowledge gained, contributing to a more resilient and climate-smart future for the agribusiness landscape in Nigeria. Congratulations to the organizers for a successful program that is set to leave a lasting impact on the participants and the wider agricultural community.